Stormwater Management Plans & Strategies
The purpose of a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) or Stormwater Mangement Strategy (SWMS) is to highlight the current and future needs of the site with regard to external and internal stormwater flows. The ultimate goal is to provide an outline of the key stormwater infrastructure needed in order to meet the expectations and obligations of development.
A stormwater report like this should:
- include detailed background and justification to ensure it meets the expectation of the local authority.
- be concise and efficient in its information.
- use the latest methodology like that outlined in Australian Rainfall and Runoff 2019.
- reflect the local standards of the future asset owner.
- reference local policies like DELWP/DEECA’s Guidelines for Development in Flood Affected Areas or Planning Clauses like Clause 56, Clause 53.18.
- be ensure the upstream and downstream property owners are not negatively impacted by the development and future development is considered.
- Be efficient, effective and innovative in its approach and outcomes.
- Consider and incorporate the needs of the local community (current and future)
- Consider and integrate the environmental values into key infrastructure.
Sometimes the development of a project site requires the revisioning or evolving of a previous drainage strategy or development plan established by others (often the relevant authority). This can often be the result of new information, more accurate survey, differing timelines, change in government approach and new policies, amongst many others. This change requires knowledge of the local area, municipality and receiving environment.
Water Studio has decades of experience planning and designing stormater infrastructure to ensure your project site is developable and approvable.